Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Then the second gig was in Strahlsund, Germany at the excellent Garage Festival, which I believe no longer exists. Maybe we played longer than the recording tells us. Since Richard Ramirez invited us to work some collaboration, and since Kapotte Muziek was just a live trio by then, we thought of using some of the sound material he had send us, in a live concert. Each of us had reworkings of his material, and that we used along with our usual playing. This is also the concert that Roel Meelkop used in his Goem vs Kapotte Muziek CD. That was originally an idea from Dimitri from the Canadian label Hushush, when we played there in 2001, to combine Goem and Kapotte Muziek. We did try things out in a session once, which I edited to a piece called KGM (and which is included on the 'Not Lost' box, about which I will post later), which no-one liked, so then Roel did this one, based on these concert recordings. Truely a recycled gig. Players were: Peter Duimelinks, Roel Meelkop and Frans de Waard. Gig 90 31-08-2004 Garage Festival, Strahlsund, Germany

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