Saturday, March 27, 2010


Yes, that's right. October 14th 2004. How it escaped me I'm not sure when it was really October I don't know. But yesterday I found my old sampler and fondly remembered how I used it for this concert, and then realized I never posted this. The location was the beautiful Grasland studio on an evening organised by the lovely hack Peter Bruyn, and he wanted me solo, but not on laptop but as Kapotte Muziek. So I took my contact microphones, CD's and the old sampler and headed out to Haarlem on the day of some train strike. Kees van Huuksloot kindly offered to bring me in his car. A very nice evening, coincidently with the 20th anniversary of Kapotte Muziek. Players was: Frans de Waard. Gig 91 Studio Grasland, Haarlem, The Netherlands

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