The idea behind this compilation was simple: you pay a certain amount of money and get in exchange a certain amount of time on a compilation. Stichting Muziek Nieuws were not the first to such a thing: '17 to 7 on 33', the 7" by Plurex started all of this (the band behind Stichting Muziek Nieuws, ORDUC, was on there as well), and also Stichting Stopcontact did records like (including Kapotte Muziek, as we will see later). I usually didn't have that much money, so I bought only one or two minutes. Here an one minute track, called 'Informatica' (which can be downloaded asan .aif actually). The whole album can be found here. Stichting Muziek Nieuws would later release the very first LP by Kapotte Muziek.
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