Monday, December 14, 2009


The next day was a wednesday and the task ahead was to drive to Prague in the Czech Republic. The plan was to drive on the 13th to Udine, to stay with Giancarlo Toniutti and then on the 14th drive the remainder to Prague. Around Bologna it started snowing and we got trapped in a tunnel. The army handing out blankets and we got stuck until next morning. We tried phoning Prague at 8 in the morning and decided to see how far we would get. We made it to Prague, at 9.30 P.M., where nobody was worrying about our lateness. Someone from the Dutch embassy (who paid for it) came to say hello to three spaced out zombies, but we played a great surprise, as no doubt you all know: its released on CD by Pac Rec and still available. So if you don't have that and like this blog and the live recordings, then buy one!
Players: Frans de Waard, Peter Duimelinks, Roel Meelkop. Gig 29 14-12-1995 Archa Theatre, Prague, Czech Republic

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